
To-doListChromeExtension-Afreeto-dolistappandtaskmanagerrightinyourbrowser.Organizetasks,boostyourproductivity.To-dolistChrome ...,StandaloneDesktopappforGoogleTasks.ExportandshareyourGoogleTaskslistsinoneclick.TheTasksBoardChromeextensionletyouaddatasktoyour ...,Rankedas“thebestto-dolistrightnow”byTheVerge,Todoistisusedby25millionpeopletoorganize,planandcollaborateonprojects,bothbigandsmall.,...


To-do List Chrome Extension - A free to-do list app and task manager right in your browser. Organize tasks, boost your productivity. To-do list Chrome ...

Desktop app for Google Tasks

Standalone Desktop app for Google Tasks. Export and share your Google Tasks lists in one click. The TasksBoard Chrome extension let you add a task to your ...

Todoist for Chrome

Ranked as “the best to-do list right now” by The Verge, Todoist is used by 25 million people to organize, plan and collaborate on projects, both big and small.

Simple To-Do List

Simple and minimalistic extension for task management. This simple extension allows you to easily manage your daily tasks right in your browser.

Google Tasks

Get more done with the Google Tasks mobile app. Manage, capture, and edit your tasks from anywhere, at anytime, with to-dos that sync across all your ...

Learn about Google Tasks

Use Google Tasks to keep track of important to-dos that sync across all your devices. With Tasks, you can: Quickly capture tasks anywhere, from any device.

15 Essential Chrome Extensions for Staying Productive

15 Essential Chrome Extensions for Staying Productive in 2020 · 1. Todoist – Save webpages as tasks · 2. Toggl – Track the time you spend on which tasks · 3.


Stay on top of your to-dos by clicking the Todoist icon in your extensions bar, which shows you your entire list without leaving the site you're browsing.

TasksBoard for Google Tasks

2024年2月14日 — A Task Manager to Manage, Share, and Assign your Google tasks on a full-screen Kanban Board. Collaborate with your team in real-time with ...

The Best To do list App for Chrome

Get things done better and faster with's all-in-one to-do list, now available as a Chrome extension. Add tasks, get organized with lists and keep track ...